Conversations With Norman Narwhal!
We’ve got a Narwhal named Norman who’s hoping to Nar-fall in love, but no matter how hard he tries, he can’t seem to connect with anyone! Let’s hope matchmaker Abby can “find him a find, and catch him a catch.”
You can listen to this full episode by visiting Ask Deer Abby the Podcast, Season 2, Episode 4.
Hopper: Trevor Goble
Abby: Allison Pratt
Norman Narwhal: Paul McClain
Produced by: Trevor Goble and Allison Pratt
Written by: Trevor Goble and Allison Pratt
Theme Song Animation: Daniel Trumble at Marietta Video Productions
Video Animation: Dante at Fiverr; Trevor Goble and Allison Pratt
Sound Editing Engineer: Trevor Goble
Sound Mixing and Mastering Engineer: Marcus Grimaldi at Grimaldi Sound Studios