Conversations With Byron!
We’ve got a beaver named Byron who is being accused of carelessness when he builds his dams. Let’s hope Abby can teach Byron some engineering expertise so that he can construct his home without upsetting any more well-meaning critters.
You can listen to this full episode by visiting Ask Deer Abby the Podcast, Season 2, Episode 8.
Hopper - Trevor Goble
Abby - Allison Pratt
Byron - John Aguilar
Produced by: Trevor Goble and Allison Pratt
Written by: Ian Geary, Trevor Goble and Allison Pratt
Theme Song Animation: Daniel Trumble at Marietta Video Productions
Video Animation: Shubh Rajput at Fiverr; Trevor Goble and Allison Pratt
Sound Editing Engineer: Trevor Goble
Sound Mixing and Mastering Engineer: Marcus Grimaldi at Grimaldi Sound Studios