Conversations With Bee-atrice!
We’ve got a bee named Bee-atrice who’s in a bit of a messy situation with her mother over a failing grade at school. Hopefully Abby can help Bee-atrice turn this buzzkill of a science project into a bee-utiful success.
You can listen to this full episode by visiting Ask Deer Abby the Podcast, Season 2, Episode 9.
Hopper - Trevor Goble
Abby - Allison Pratt
Bee-atrice - Lydia Eku
Produced by: Trevor Goble and Allison Pratt
Written by: Emily McClain, Trevor Goble and Allison Pratt
Theme Song Animation: Daniel Trumble at Marietta Video Productions
Video Animation: Dante at Fiverr; Trevor Goble and Allison Pratt
Sound Editing Engineer: Trevor Goble
Sound Mixing and Mastering Engineer: Marcus Grimaldi at Grimaldi Sound Studios